Our Classic Flavours

When people think of the ‘classic’ Turkish Delight, it’s nearly always Rose and Lemon on their minds. And it’s no surprise; delicate rose and sharp lemon provide a beautiful contrast for your taste buds. There are also many health benefits to both.
The rose has a long and varied history. The ancient Persians began extracting rose water from the flower’s petals in the 10th century. Before then, the scent of roses was a common fragrance in Indian, Grecian and Egyptian perfume. Though it was not just valued for its scent and aesthetic appeal. It was one of the most valued medicinal plants in the monastery gardens of medieval Europe and today the known health benefits of rose are varied:
Vitamin C
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid has several important properties. It helps to maintain cells and connective tissue, which is responsible for the support and structure of other tissue and organs. Adults need 40 mg of Vitamin C a day and a lack of it can lead to diseases such as scurvy. Vitamin C can’t be stored in the body, so it has to come from your daily diet.
The good news is that Rose Petals are a wonderful source of Vitamin C, with high levels of antioxidants to make sure that your skin is healthy. According to Doctor of medical science Boris Vasilyev;
‘The content of ascorbic acid in hips is ten times more than in blackcurrant, 50 times more than in lemon and 100 times more than in apples.’
Improved State of Mind
Rose petals offer soothing properties to both the nerves and are generally regarded to be a mild sedative and anti-depressant. The rose is increasingly used in conditions related to stress: nervous tension, peptic ulcers and heart disease among others. Rose petals are a staple in Ayuryedic medicine (a form of alternative medicine native to the Indian subcontinent) to detoxify the mind and body.
Nancy L. Nickell, in her book ‘Nature’s Aphrodisiacs’, painted the rose as sensual, evocative and with the ability to evoke the spirit of love in the heart and mind. She wrote that Rose is a classic aphrodisiac as it affects the mind and body in a synergistic fashion. The scent of roses can reach within to lift depressive moods and create a feeling of well-being and mild euphoria.
The Universal Natural Medicine
Not just known to contain Vitamin C, rose petals also contain Vitamin A, B group Vitamins, carotene and Vitamin K, which is essential for haemopoesis. Haemopoesis is the formation of blood cell components. New blood cells need to be produced daily in order to maintain steady circulation. Rose Petals are also known to contain calcium which influences the metabolism. A study conducted by Michael Zemel, director of The Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, found that calcium stored in fat cells plays a crucial role in regulating how fat is processed and stored by the body. The more calcium there is in a fat cell, the more fat the cell will burn — and the greater the weight loss.
Rose petals also contain potassium, which is important for normal heart activity, copper which improves the activity of endocrine glands and iodine which is good for thyroid glands. This has led to rose petals being given the name of ‘universal natural medicine’.
Several of our products contain rose. Our classic Rose with Rose Petals Turkish Delight, our Chocolate Coated Rose Turkish Delight and many of our Luxury Tin Delights. There is also our Rose and Lemon Octagonal Turkish Delight, which brings us on to our next flavour…
Lemon is a fruit that contains flavonoids, which are composites that have antioxidant and cancer-fighting properties. It helps prevent diabetes, constipation, as well as improve skin health. Various health benefits of lemon are explained in detail below:
Improves Heart Health
Drinking lemon juice is helpful for people suffering from heart problems because it contains potassium. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea as it provides a calming sensation to both the mind and body. According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, daily lemon intake and walking (average body movement) were effective in reducing high blood pressure.
Weight Loss
If a person drinks lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it may help reduce body weight. A research study performed on mice confirmed that polyphenols present in it suppress body weight gain and body fat accumulation.
Soothes Respiratory Disorders
Lemon juice assists in relieving respiratory problems and breathing problems, such as its ability to soothe a person suffering from an asthma attack. Being a rich source of vitamin C, it helps in dealing with more long-term respiratory disorders as well.
As we mentioned before, we Rose and Lemon are brought together in our Rose and Lemon Octagonal Turkish Delight, but you can also find them both with other tasty delights in our Mixed Flavour Turkish Delight.
Finally, we introduced a flavour to our range long ago that we think is an instant classic, and we’re pleased that our customers agree! That flavour is pomegranate…
The pomegranate is an ancient fruit with a rich history in myth, symbol, art, medicine and religion. Often referred to as ‘the divine fruit’, the pomegranate is considered by many to be a ‘super-food’. So, what better flavour for our Turkish Delight? It has always been an important part of the Middle Eastern diet. Until recently however, pomegranates were something of a seasonal novelty in the West. Then medical studies suggested what the East already knew – Pomegranates are really good for you. Exactly how, we’ve gone into more detail about below:
The pomegranate is considered to be a super-food. Its jewel like seeds have been used for medicinal purposes for millennia. Packed with powerful antioxidants and vitamins, this ruby-red fruit has been shown to be a cure-all for just about any ailment. It helps stomach upsets, menopausal hot flashes, haemorrhoids, conjunctivitis, osteoarthritis, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the immune system, wards off the flu, reduces inflammation, reduces risk of heart disease and lowers cholesterol.
The Secret to Eternal Youth
Ok, not really. But Chinese herbology cites pomegranate juice as a longevity treatment thanks to the high quantity of antioxidants in the pomegranate. According to Aliza Shavit, a pharmacist; “Pomegranate oil is a rich source of punicic acid and this is a very strong antioxidant that helps fight wrinkles.” Punicic acid is a rare omega-5 conjugated fatty acid that has been shown to improve skin tone and elasticity. “Every day our faces are exposed to harmful sun rays and pollutants,” Shavit says. “The pomegranate extracts help keep the skin healthy.”
Amazing Clinical Results
Recent medical research studied heart patients with severe carotid artery blockages. They were given an ounce of pomegranate juice each day for a year. Not only did study participants’ blood pressure lower by over 12 percent, but there was a 30 percent reduction in atherosclerotic plaque. Just as astounding, participants who did not take the pomegranate juice saw their atherosclerotic plaque increase by 9 percent. In other studies, potent antioxidant compounds found in pomegranates have shown to reduce platelet aggregation and naturally lower blood pressure, factors that prevent both heart attacks and strokes.
We offer pomegranate as an ingredient Pomegranate Turkish Delight, as well as in our Luxury Delight Tin, Pomegranate Turkish Delight with Barberry and Pistachio. Give it a try, we think you’ll be delighted.